10 August 2013
By Nels Larson, personal friend

I remember Ralph for his story-telling and for the humor both of the stories and Ralph’s dry wit in the telling of the stories to a public meeting of his story-telling club.

He authored and really knew the stories, and he never cracked a smile even in the most hilarious points. He just went on to the next point, without stopping or hesitation -- just perhaps slowing the voice for all of us to know that something humorous was about to happen.

Ralph was like that in real life. He was working for DARPA but he was very cautious about “truth” getting out and would just say that he was pretty busy at the office now, with perhaps that same slowing of the voice to make it known that we should not talk any further about “business” concerns.

Ralph was a “man among men” when he had to look at the last days of his life and he dealt with it with the same humor and heroism that were patterned as a layer on his soul. I can never forget Ralph and will use his strategy when I see the end coming for me.