In memoriam
Ralph Chatham, Ph.D. Oct 15, 1948 - May 18, 2013

Ralph said of his storytelling:

Ralph Chatham started formal storytelling in 1979 300 feet underwater to a submarine crew who had not seen even arctic sunlight for six weeks. Surfaced now, he has been telling stories ever since to more critical audiences. In 2003 he and his storytelling wife Margaret received a National Storytelling Network Oracle award. Ralph has been chosen to present at the NSN Conference three times including a Sea Story Showcase in 1999, a storytelling survival workshop: OOPS and Other Storytelling Disasters in 2001, and Industrial Strength Storytelling (with a digression about storytelling and the brain) in 2008. He has three cassette tapes and five CDs of newfangled folktales, defrosted for the microwave age, featuring Jack and Clever Jill and a supporting cast of several other strong women (more on the tapes below). Ralph and Margaret, are both past Presidents of Voices in the Glen. Both were twice featured tellers at the MidAtlantic Storytellers Gathering and were workshop leaders numerous times. Ralph supports his storytelling habit as a Technical Hand-waver and Private Insultant on technology and technology for training, which allows him to tell technical stories, too. He regularly performs at local Celtic and Folk and Story festivals. He tells stories at the drop of a hat from here to Hawaii. He brings his own hat to make sure.

We intend to make some of his audio recordings available here, as well as some of his original fiction. There has also been some discussion of a print or e-book collection of his retold folk tales. If this is something you might have interest in, please let us know that, and which format you'd prefer. (The more people we know want this, the sooner it is likely to happen!)

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